AHK World Business Outlook Spring 2024

Results of a survey of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad, Delegations and Representative offices

The AHK World Business Outlook is based on a regular DIHK survey of the member companies of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad, delegations and representative offices (AHKs). In spring 2024, it collects feedback from around 4,300 German companies, branches and subsidiaries worldwide, as well as companies with close ties to Germany. The survey was conducted from March 25 to April 21, 2024. 


Development of the global economy

Economic expectations of German companies abroad

From the perspective of German companies at their international locations, the global economy will develop somewhat more dynamically overall in the coming twelve months than recently. In spring 2024, the around 4,300 companies surveyed by the AHKs worldwide are much more optimistic about economic development than in fall 2023. 31 percent of companies expect economic development at their locations to improve over the next twelve months (fall: 22 percent). In contrast, 19 percent expect the local economy to slow down (fall: 28 percent). Every second company expects stable development based on the current economic situation (fall: 50 percent).


There are significant divergences between the regions in terms of expected economic development. Positive assessments predominate in most of the world.

German companies in the MENA region are currently the most confident about local economic development worldwide. The balance of better and worse expectations has risen to 37 points (balance 43 points after previously six points, long-term average 19 points), despite the ongoing conflict in the region and the associated uncertainty about the economic impact. While companies in Saudi Arabia (balance 58 points) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE, balance 33 points) continue to expect good economic development with slight deductions compared to the previous survey, expectations have improved compared to the previous survey, particularly in Morocco (balance 52 points) due to stable consumption and tourism and Egypt (balance 45 points). Due to some easing of last year's liquidity crisis, the Egyptian economy is stabilizing again.

AHK Business Outlook Spring 2024

Economic expectations of German companies abroad