Digital Workshops on the Water and Wastewater Sector in Saudi Arabia
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Free of charge
Event Start
23/02/2021 · 11:00
Event End
23/02/2021 · 13:00

Workshop Nr. 1/3: Sustainable concepts for seawater desalination

These workshops are part of a series of events organized by GESALO and is supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and Chambers for GreenTech (Exportinitiative Umwelttechnologien).



The idea of these workshops is to gather Saudi and German industry experts and to elaborate on current challenges and possible solutions within the sector.

The workshops will take place on Zoom.



Presented by:

Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC)

The Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC) is a Saudi Government Corporation responsible for the desalination of seawater producing electric power and supplying various regions in the Kingdom with desalinated water.


Upcoming Events:

Monday, 1st March, 11am – 1pm (German time, CET), 1pm – 3pm (KSA time)
Workshop 2: Sustainable water and wastewater management (focus on industry)

Thursday, 11 March, 9am – 11am (German Time, CET), 11am-1pm (KSA time)
Workshop 3: Sustainable water and wastewater management (general)

Ms. Najah Alkutbi

Ms. Najah Alkutbi

Head of Market Entry – DEinternational